Sexual health and sexuality are relevant to all of us - regardless of experience or relationship status. Sexuality is part of who you are, and healthy sexuality is important to your overall wellness. You should have as much information as possible to make informed choices about your sexual health. Student Health Services can offer a variety of resources on campus to help you make healthy sexual choices.
Registered SF State students seeking sexual and reproductive health may access the following services at SHS:

We can help you choose a birth control method that fits your lifestyle and address questions that may come up. You need an appointment but not an exam to get a prescription for birth control.
- IUD (Intrauterine Device – Mirena, Paragard, Skyla, and Kyleena)
- Implant (Nexplanon)
- Depo shot (Depo-provera)
- The Patch (Xulane)
- Ring (Nuva Ring)
- Birth Control Pills
- External condoms
- Diaphragm
- Try out a Condom Kit (mailed to you)!
Most health insurance plans including Medi-Cal and SF Health Plan cover the cost of the family planning services listed above. In addition and if eligible, students may enroll in Family PACT which covers the cost of the listed family planning services including free condoms. Talk to your provider to see if you are eligible.
If you are satisfied with your current birth control method and you need a refill or if you want to re-start one of these methods, then make a Birth Control Refill appointment online via myHealth.
Please check if you have any remaining refills by calling our Pharmacy at 415-338-1710.
Emergency contraception (also known as “the morning-after pill," Plan B, Next Choice, or Ella) is available at the Student Health Services. Call SHS at 415-338-1251 to request a prescription or our low-cost options. Family PACT and health insurance cover emergency contraceptive pills.
If you need emergency contraception and you are interested in the Paragard IUD, this is another excellent method of emergency contraception. Call SHS and make an appointment.
Resources for emergency contraception when the health center is closed:
- You can purchase Plan B at most pharmacies without a prescription.
- Planned Parenthood Emergency Contraception
- FamilyPact Emergency Contraception
- SF City Clinic online prescription - click on Plan B and follow the instructions to print a prescription. You can use your Family PACT card or health insurance to receive Plan B at no cost to you.
If you have any of the concerns listed below, please make a Vaginal, Breast, or Contraception Concerns appointment online via myHealth.
- Vaginal bumps, unusual discharge or other symptoms
- Menstrual or vaginal bleeding issues
- Breast issues
- Sexually transmitted infection (STI) or exposure –we can screen you!
- Birth control methods - what is available and how to choose
- Sexuality issues
- Preconception counseling
- Menopausal symptoms
Please make a cervical cancer screening appointment for
- a Cervical cancer screen (Pap smears) after age 21
- abnormal cervical cancer screen follow-up
We are also offering FREE pregnancy tests and menstrual products for pick up as needed. No appointment needed.
Sexual and Reproductive health services are an essential part of everyone’s overall health. Student Health Services is proud to offer a comprehensive set of these services to our students for free or low cost, including STI screening and care, PrEP, birth control, pregnancy tests, pregnancy options counseling and medication abortion.
All sexual and reproductive health services, including medication abortion, are completely confidential at Student Health Services.
Increased access to medication abortion services at Student Health Services is in support of SB 24. This senate bill is a direct result of student voice and action, states that access to MAB is an essential medical service to students and requires all UCs and CSU to make it available to students as part of the mission to support students fair access to education.
For more information on SB24, please visit
Student Health Services (SHS) is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment for students who are seeking gender-affirming healthcare.
If you are interested in exploring gender-affirming hormone therapy or have any questions, please call us at 415-338-1251 or schedule an appointment with us online via MyHealth.
While learning about healthy sexuality may begin with the basics about sex and sexual health, it should also include getting informed about your own status -- by getting tested.
Half of all sexually active people will get an STI by the age of 25. And even though many STIs are treatable, most people with an STI do not have any symptoms at all, which means the infections can become more serious, and continue to spread to new partners.
If you are having sex, a key part of staying healthy is to GYT - Get Yourself Tested. Many students ask about the "STI Test," assuming there is one test that covers all STIs. Not true!
Do you know that certain STIs can be prevented by a vaccine? To learn more, read the City Clinic's vaccines against STDs information.
Here’s what’s available at Student Health Services (SHS):
- STI Testing: Appointment with Lab Testing at SHS Lab or a local QUEST Diagnostics Lab near you.
- Call SHS at 415-338-1251 for an appointment.
If you have symptoms:
You may need further evaluation, please make an appointment with your provider or call us at 415-338-1251
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is medicine people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is taken after you have had a possible exposure to HIV to prevent infection. If you are interested in preventing or feel you may have been exposed to HIV, PrEP and PEP medications are a good option.
If you are interested in these medications or have more questions, please make an appointment online or call the clinic at 415-338-1251 to discuss your options.
Also, below are links to learn about our community partners in HIV prevention.
PEP (taken within 72 hours of sex)
Healthy sexuality is about much more than health care. Sexuality is part of who you are, and health sexuality is important to your overall wellness. Learn more about LGBTQI health services.
Health Promotion & Wellness provides a range of programs and workshops about healthy sexual communication, relationships, sexual orientation, and safer sex supplies free to students.
All survivors of sexual violence or assault are welcome. SHS providers are NOT mandated reporters for sexual violence and assault. SHS can provide STI testing and treatment, but for official forensic exams, we refer students to Zuckerberg San Francisco General’s Rape Treatment Center (no fee for appointments).
The SAFE Place offers Crisis Counseling and survivor advocacy for SF State students. Call (415) 338-2208 to be connected with the Safe Advocate.
Equity Programs & Compliance is available to students who would like to report sexual violence or harassment to the University for investigation or accommodations to support academic success.
General Gynecologic and Reproductive Health Services
- Planned Parenthood - Women's Health
- Sexual Health TV
- Women's Health - U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services
Birth Control
- Bedsider
- OWH: Which Birth Control Method is Right for You?
- Planned Parenthood - Birth Control
- Go Ask Alice!
- Birth Control for Life
Cervical Cancer Screening Pap testing
Pregnancy Options